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Lead Conversion Architecture

The four main elements to consider when developing your lead conversion funnel include

  • Homepage 
  • Landing Pages
  • Social Marketing 
  • Lead Nurturing

Structuring and managing these elements in the correct manner will provide an effective conversion architecture designed to turn marketing strategies into success, leading to more cost effective lead capture. 


Unlike dedicated landing pages, which receive targeted traffic from specific channels and offer specific messages with a clear call to action, home pages have to attract traffic from a diverse, large audience. This audience then needs to be engaged and educated sufficiently to be encouraged to explore the remainder of the website. company's services/ products are relevant to them and what advantages/ benefits they provide.

In short, your homepage should clearly answer who, what, why and where; include clear, attractive calls to action, meaningful images, graphics and proof of your value, and be easy to navigate.

Landing Pages

Dedicated landing pages are accessed by visitors following targeted links and typically have higher conversion rates than home pages, making them an essential part of your conversion architecture. Designed to get visitors excited enough about your offer to hand over information, landing pages should be free from excessive navigation and other distractions. What they do have to include is:

  • Headline explaining what's in it for the visitor
  • Clear offer/ product descriptions
  • Explanation of the offer's value
  • Minimum of one supporting image with caption text
  • Clear call to action

Social Marketing

In order to make social marketing a viable, effective part of your conversion architecture, it is necessary to fully understand the real B2B value of social networks such as:

  • Facebook,
  • X,
  • TikTok,
  • LinkedIn,
  • YouTube
  • and others.

Lead Nurturing

Not every lead is immediately ready to be handed over to your sales team. It is therefore necessary to determine what can be regarded as a sales-ready lead. More often than not, consumers requesting basic information are conducting initial research and are not quite ready to make a purchase. This is where the lead nurturing campaign, consisting predominantly of e-mails offering information,

  • Introductory Offers
  • Late stage offers
  • Clear, strong calls to action