Why & How we do what we do.

The Digital Inbound Marketing Process

We exist to make our clients successful using the tools of Inbound Marketing, bringing them new clients more cost effectively. We ensure that our clients have a complete web presence with the right content in the right place. Having more of the correct content in the right places will create more qualified visitors. Having more qualified visitors to the correct landing pages will result in better leads and more new customers for those clients.

Our Goal for Our Clients: More Qualified Leads leading to more conversions to clients.

Digital Inbound Marketing Process

  1. We work to understand your business and your definition of success and then execute to achieve the agreed upon goals.
  2. We design a customized Digital Inbound Marketing Business Plan and establish Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to monitor performance toward your ROI goals.
  3. We develop content for your total Web Presence, making sure that the right people are visiting your site on the right pages at the right time in their buying cycle.
  4. We help you implement and execute the Marketing Plan.
  5. We continually measure results to improve your plan and insure successful attainment of agreed upon goals.
  6. We modify your plan based on collected and analyzed data to maximize results.
Here are a few examples of marketing goals our clients have set:
  • Reduce the cost of acquiring new leads
  • Enhance brand status and gain credibility
  • Measurable conversions of website traffic
  • Increase the number of customer touches

The Digital Inbound team will provide your business with a powerful marketing structure and system that effectively converts more of your online visitors into targeted leads and then highly valued customers.                     

Contact Us     Email: david@digitalinbound.com        

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 Our Team

David C Aaronson, Managing Director

Mary Welfel Green, Social Media Director